Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Catching frogs
Today is day two of "Camp Nonny".  That is the name given by the Grandgirls to spending time with Gramma while the parents are at work.  Yesterday was busy with playing in the water garden, swimming at Grie and Pa's, ending with supper outside and a fire in the fire pit.  Bec and Kevin came here after work to spend the night, as one of the girls is not totally secure in sleeping here without them, yet. It is the same time traveling to this house as going to their home, what with having to cross on the ferry all the time,  so it didn't make a lot of difference in their work day.  However, they did appreciate having supper all ready when they got here!  I know the feeling.  Thoughtfully, they brought some beer from  Otter Creek Brewery (right on the way) as a thank you.  Always appreciated!
Meanwhile the chicks are growing like mad.  They were trying to roost on the bottom roosting bar last night, but ended up back in the nest box with Mama.  She is so anxious to get them on the roost, but their feet are just not big enough!  I think it won't be long before they can do it.
Getting bigger

The strawberries are all gone now.  The currants (what are left after chicken munching) are ripe, however, the girls love to eat them, so I don't think we are in line for any currant jelly or wine this year.  That will be offset by the enormous crop of raspberries we are going to have.  We have never seen the plot so laden with fruit, and the blueberries also.  I am psyched.  It seems to be a good fruit year, all around, as the apple trees at my folks are loaded, too.  I don't know if it was the long, cold, snowy winter, or if it is just the usual cycle of fertility.  We got the bees too late for them to have been a pollinating contributer.  Whatever the reason, we are just as grateful for the promise of good harvest!

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