Friday, September 30, 2011

A Cria is Born

At Gloria's Farm
Last week was very exciting at Gloria's place.   Their alpaca Addy had her first cria.  Addy was the first cria born on their farm and the birth of this baby was full of anticipation.  The little rascal chose not to be born during the middle of the day, which is the usual time for alpaca births, but came stealthily in the early morning hours.  Bud was out in the barn doing the morning chores when he saw this little face poking out  between the bars.  He called into the house and Gloria came out as fast as she could.  She had been getting ready to go to her regular check up with the doctor as soon as the barn chores were done.  They were very pleased with the new one, and after hastily cleaning her off, named her Honeybee and went off to the appointment.
Hernando and Addy
However,  Gloria was sent from the doc to the hospital for tests and a more thorough examination.  While settling in she turned to her husband and said that he had better check that the cria really was "Honeybee" as it occurred to her just then that although she had not seen any bits to proclaim him male, neither did she actually see anything to say she was female!
Low and behold, Bud found out that "Honeybee" was actually "Hernando", his maleness being obscured by the messiness of birth.  Proper cleaning off revealed all.
And thankfully Gloria came home in two days.
That funny story led me to think about spinning up some of Addy's fleece for a lace hat project.  I found a new pattern of lace that is intriguing.  Her fleece is such a pretty shade of oatmeal that I think it will make a nice hat.  Although I probably will end up flinging some other fibers in so it isn't too neutral a color.  The scarf on the loom is coming along nicely.  The new way of warping is great!  I am already thinking of another scarf to do.  So many things, so much fun!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fiber Fest!

Today has started out damp and dreary.   It is, however, surprisingly warm.  It would be better if it were rainy and cool as I am going to go to the Southern Adirondack Fiber Festival, and these events are always better for a little cool weather.  That way the lookers become buyers.  I know from trying to sell my own things that if the weather is warm people are not so apt to want to buy wooly things.  I am meeting Annie there, after she gets done with a walk to support Alzheimer's.  Mostly I am going to just get my fill of colors, ideas, trends and generally see what people are dong.  It also is sort of like visiting an art gallery.  There are so many talented people in the world!  It gives me a rush to see the stuff that is out there.  Then I can come home and be "jump started".  After all, this is the time of year for us fiber folk to shine as cold weather will be coming soon and it will be good to be wearing your woolies!  Which I will happily supply you with, right?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Learning New Things

Jesse and Becca
The saying is that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but I disagree.  About two weeks ago my computer decided to be all done with computing.  I was then left to the mercy of public access computers at the Library (what a wonderful service that is!)  and those in private homes until I could replace it.  I sit now at a MacBook.  It is a used, older model but the price was right to let me try one without feeling like I was breaking our budget.   I am slowly learning my way around the thing.   For a long time Apple products have interested me.   Jesse had partitioned the old machine so that I had one side running on Windows and the other on Kubuntu.  I loved the Linux side.  So when the machine died I was sick with the thought that I would have to give in and get something with Windows loaded on it until Jesse would be home and give me back Linux.  It is very hard to wean myself from my tech supporting son but I am determined to do so!  Now I don't have to wait  for him at all 'cause I don't have the dreaded Windows.  Hurrah!  Look--I even added a photo, but I cheated and it wasn't from files on the machine.  I'll learn that trick next.  Woof Woof!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Well the resilient state of Vermont is certainly coping with this flooding in a remarkable way.  Even though the devastation is still keeping people from traveling across the state, every road is now able to support emergency vehicles.   Even in our town which wasn't hit hard, there are many homes with dumpsters in the yard, evidence of flooded cellars or other buildings.  The photos  of the storm damage are astounding.   It doesn't seem possible that some of these roads are now passable.  It is heartwarming to see the resilience of Vermonters.  Everywhere people are helping people, strangers pitching in to help anywhere they can.  It is wonderful.
Dye results
In my little world life goes on per usual.  Although I felt funny to be doing fiber things when others are cleaning up mud and debris, there is no reason not to.  So I spent Saturday playing with dyes.  The color combination I wanted included purple, green and blue.  It is for a woven scarf.  I am thinking that the warp will be the purple and the weft the green/blue.  The pattern is going to be a new one for me.  It is called "Triple Draught Bird's Eye".  Because the scarf will be narrow, I am going to improvise it a little on the edges.  There is only going to be a small repeat, but I think it will be very interesting.  We shall see!  Do you like this color combo?  My only thought was maybe the tones  should be darker and richer.  Any thoughts on that?
Doing her job
One final note.  The chickens are back laying.  For what ever reason they  did not lay one egg while I was gone to Scituate and to the wedding.  We thought it was because it appears that some are molting.  However there are at least two who have started up again.  I'd like to think it was that they missed me!  Probably not.  Just glad they are doing their job.